

The 2nd Jakarta Endoscopic Ear & Sinus Surgery is back and will goes virtual!
Designed as an added value for a greater outreach, so everyone will stay updated during this pandemic situation.
The event will be held on 20-21, 28 March 2021.

Students, GPs, and Specialists are all welcome!
For registration, head to the link :

Organized by ORL-HNS Department Faculty of Medicine, Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo National Hospital and Academic Health System of Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia.

For more information :
Website : jeesjess.id
Instagram : @je2scourse
Facebook : JE2Scourse

CP :

  • 085159245538 (rasyid & intan)

Indonesian OtoRhinoLaringologist with Great Passion in Adult Education and Technology